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Bright Blessings My Friend - An Ban-Dia Dhuit



Leabhar Bos Sgaila


Pagan Humour

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Stones In Chakra Work

Color is light vibrating at different rates. A particular color has a particular vibration.


These relate to the base chakra and are good for grounding and calming the central nervous sytem. They activate the base chakra, which sends energy and vitality to the etheric body and activates the adrenal glands. They reduce stress and tension and strenghten the spinal column, legs, feet and bones. The best examples of redbase chakra stones are ruby and garnet.

The base chakra also responds to smoky quartz and all black stones, such as obsidian and haematite.


These relate to the belly centre which activates the emotional body of the aura. They encourage open, flexible, flowing emotions, openness to others and the ability to surrender and release anything which cannot be digested on all levels. All problems which are caused by a stiffening up an dloss of flow such as arthritis, and all urogenital problems can be treaded with orange stones.

The best examples are carnelian and coral.


This relate to the solar plexus centre, which activates the lower mental body, the seat of will and intellect. Yellow stones are warm and fiery and strenghten vitality and will power. They are good for treating all diseases which stem from repressed or inturned anger and resentment, like cancer. They encourage personal power to exress in a positive way.

Examples are citrine, tiger eye and topaz.


These relate to the heart centre and the higher mind and help to open the heart to the infinite flow of love and wisdom. They encourage inner peace, self-acceptance and love, and help with lungs, breathing and all circulation problems.

The heart is linked to the thymus gland, which regulates the immune system. When mental and emotional stress raises to a certain pitch the immune system becomes overloaded and the thymus ceases to operate, resulting in immune deficiency disesases such as M.E. or AIDS. The first step in healing these diseases is to work on opening the heart and healing it of old hurts and blockages.

Emerald and jade are the most popular green stones.

The heart also responds to rose pink. Rose quartz is the best stone to use on the heart, encouraging it to soften and open to love.


These relate to the throat centre and help to remove any blockages around self-expression and honest communication. When the throat is open it is the channel of comunication for the love and compassion of the heart and the wisdom of the third eye. It is linked to the thyroid gland. Blue stone help treat depression and are generally cool and relaxing.

The best examples are aquamarine and turqoise.


These relate to the third eye centre and open up intuition, inner vision and imagination. Their effect is deeply calming and relaxing and heightens awareness of the inner levels. They are great for releasing all tension and fear and encourage deep sleep and dreams.

The best examples are blue sapphire and lapis lazuli.


Relate to the crown chakra and open your connection to source. They are the most deeply calming and relaxing of all the stones, encouraging us simply to relax, let go and surrender to the higher power. Violet is a combination of red and blue, the colors of the base and third eye centres. Amethyst has a unifying effect. it links the base and third eye centres, thus unifying the higher and lower self. Through connecting us to source it opens up inspirations, ideas and creativity. It is calming and sedating and thus is a good treatment for insomnia, headaches, nervous tension, fear and all stress based disease.

The best example is amethyst quartz.

So, when you are choosing stones to use with your chakra work, color is always your guide. Color really is a very powerful healing force. Color emits a subtle energy vibration which has a very real effect on the subtle energy bodies. Thoughts and feelings are strongly affected by color. Just think of the calming effect of a walk through leafy green countryside. Color affects us constantly whether we realize it or not. When we choose to work with color consciously it becomes a powerful healing tool and it is great fun.