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Bright Blessings My Friend - An Ban-Dia Dhuit



Leabhar Bos Sgaila


Pagan Humour

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The Laws of Magick


Allow me to begin with some explanation of myself, for that which I believe colors the words I shall use. I am a Universal Animist, a type whom many find 'quaint' nowadays. As such, I find it unethical to seek CONTROL over any manifestation of the Web. Any manifestation includes literally anything. Animals, plants, mountains, deserts, rivers, spirits, as well as people. When I speak of affinity and influence (that between kindred spirits), many others would use words such as power and control. I find it possible to wield more energy through friendship and cooperation than through mastery and control. Probably a lot of that arises from my perception that the energy used for keeping another bound to one's will is not needed when raising power becomes an act of mutual affinity rather than exclusive control. So much for the intro. Now, on to the Laws of Magick. There are many systems and classifications of Magickal Laws. Some will, no doubt, disagree with this one.

I. THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT: The same actions under the same conditions produce the same results. A Law that is generally non-demonstrable. Very few are skilled enough to replicate one of these conditions, much less all three of them simultaneously. Replicating one's actions exactly is difficult enough, but replicating the environment (which includes TIME) is another matter. Corollary - THE LAW OF RETURNS: "What one sends out, comes back." Or "What goes around, comes around." The Three-fold Rule is an example of the Law of Returns.

II. THE LAW OF KNOWLEDGE: Greater understanding produces greater influence though greater affinity. Greater affinity (kinship) with any manifestation leads to a more powerful response when aid is requested, much is as a good friend is more likely to help you out than a stranger.

Corollary - THE LAW OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE: Greater understanding of self produces greater influence though greater affinity. III. THE LAW OF NAMES: Having greater knowledge of a manifestation's true and complete name leads to greater affinity and influence.

Colollary - THE LAW OF WORDS OF POWER: Having greater knowledge of words of power leads to greater affinity and influence.

III. THE LAW OF NAMES: Having greater knowledge of a manifestation's true and complete name leads to greater affinity and influence.

IV. THE LAW OF ASSOCIATION: Greater common characteristics between two manifestations combined with greater knowledge of the commonalties produces greater affinity and influence.

Corollary 1 - THE LAW OF SIMILARITY (sympathetic magic): Effects resemble causes.

Corollary 2 - THE LAW OF CONTAGION: Two manifestations which have been in contact remain in contact.

V. THE LAW OF IDENTIFICATION: Complete knowledge equals absolute affinity equals identity.

VI. THE LAW OF SYNTHESIS (or, the UNION of OPPOSITES): Synthesis of two opposing views of reality, or 2 realities, engenders a third which is more real that either original.

Corollary - THE LAW OF POLARITY: Any manifestation is divisible into two antithetical sets of attributes, each of which contain the essence of the other.


VII. THE LAW OF BALANCE: Greater balance is required for greater affinity and influence.

VIII. THE LAW OF INFITITE MANIFESTATIONS: The number of manifestations within the Web is infinite. In other words, we'll never run out of manifestations to experience, or things to learn.


IX. THE LAW OF FINITE SENSES: A manifestation's (ie, our) ability to perceive limits its ability to know. In other words, we can't see everything.

X. THE LAW OF PRAGMATISM: If it works, it's right.

XI. THE LAW OF INFINITE UNIVERSES: As there are infinite manifestations within the web possessed of infinite views of the universe, there are infinite universes. XII. THE LAW OF TRUE FALSEHOODS: Data exist which contradict your knowledge but which, never-the-less, are functional. Or, If it's a paradox, it's probably true. XIII. THE LAW OF PERSONIFICATION: All manifestations (including people) live and have personality.

Corollary 1 - THE LAW OF INVOCATION: Any manifestation can conjure real entities from within.

Corollary 2 - THE LAW OF EVOCATION: A manifestation can conjure real entities from without.