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Bright Blessings My Friend - An Ban-Dia Dhuit



Leabhar Bos Sgaila


Pagan Humour

Links and References



The Circle is cast in the usual preferred manner. Additional incense
is put into the brazier. Join hands in meditation.


The Priestess, standing in the North says:

"As we breathe deeply in and out.
It is not just air we take in...
It is the soft silver light of the Moon,
Symbol of our Lady.
With every pore in our bodies
So we breathe in and out.
And so does this Circle become a fitting place
For our Lady's presence."


The Priest, standing to the South of the altar, and across from the
Priestess, raises his arms , saying:

"We are the children of the Moon.
We are born of shining light.
When the Moon shoots forth a ray
We see within it the Goddess...
And ourselves."


The Priestess addresses all in the circle:

What we call in our hearts
Goes forth everywhere...echoing
Beyond the stars themselves,
And we need have no doubt
That we are heard.

Then raise your arms
{in the Egyptian supplicant position}

The Priest calls on the ancient names.

The Priestess stands in the pentagram position.


Priest " Hearken unto our call, Diana!
Lady of the Silver Bowl "


Priestess "IO EVOHE Diana!"


Priest "Hearken unto our call, Aradia!
Beloved daughter of the Sun and Moon"


Priestess " IO EVOHE Aradia!"


Priest " Hearken unto our call Queen Isis!
Eternal Queen of the Immortals"


Priestess " IO EVOHE Isis!"


Priest "Hearken unto our call Arianrhod!
Lady of the Silver Wheel "


Priestess " IO EVOHE Arianrohd!"


Priest "Hearken unto our call Huldana!
Queen of the Night faring Beings"


Priestess" IO EVOHE Huldana!"

After the salute the Priest motions for his Priestess, facing her.
She feels herself at one with the Goddess as she holds out her arms
in the Goddess {Isis} position as the Priestess gives the charge:

"I am the Star that rises from the dark
and twilight Sea.
Bringer of dreams, ruler of destiny.
Though I am known by a thousand
thousand names,
Yet the whole round Earth doth
venerate Me.
I am Nature and the beauty of the
Green Earth.
Mistress of all the elements.
Sovereign of all things spiritual,
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
Queen of the dead
Queen of the blessed immortals.
The Single Manifestation of All Gods and
Goddesses that Are.
Hearken unto My Words and look at Me!
Forget not whence thou dist come
and to where thou art called!
And in the fulfillment of Time
Thou shalt KNOW
That I am that which is WITH thee, and
IN thee, and OF thee!
And thus shall thy Spirit attain
To the deepest Mystery of Life.
And thus shall thine Inmost Divine Self be
enfolded in the ecstasies of the Infinite!
These things have I made Law.
Enduring for the million million ages."


The Priestess pauses. She should feel that she is a vessel for the
Lady, and that the Goddess speaks and acts through her. At this point
she may speak further, if the Goddess within her desires so. When she
is done, she will lower her arms and the Priest shall say:

"Oh lovely Goddess of the Moon,
Fairer far than any star,
Gracious Lady, our thanks to Thee,
For coming to us from afar!"

He then sits, and says to the Priestess:

"Will My Lady Join Me?"

Then proceed with Cakes and Wine, and then the closing of the Circle.